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S Goffen
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The Magic of Triads
Available until
Part of the Foundation Masterclass Course
S Goffen
Master the Dorian Mode
Available until
Learn with Videos, Tabs, Scale Maps, Licks , Backing Tracks and Exercises
S Goffen
Beginner Guitar - Your First Chords and Songs
Available until
An introduction to your first chords, strumming patterns, and songs. You will be able to tune your guitar. choose which pick to use. You will be able to play your main open position chords, use a capo, play a number of strumming patterns common in lots of songs, play along to lots of songs that use these chords, with the recommended basic and more complex strumming patterns.
S Goffen
Mastering Chord Basics
Available until
This course carries on from the Beginner Guitar - Your First Chords and Songs course, please complete that one first. In this course you will learn: How chords are made and why you need to know How to work out chords in any key Which chords work well together Common chord progressions and how to make your own The main open chords using the provided reference sheet The main barre chord shapes which tie in with the CAGED system You will be able to: Make major and minor chords Find chords in any key Play these chords all over the neck Use the 5 main barre chord shapes and use these across the entire fretboard Use common chord progressions Make your own chord progressions - So important if wanting to write your own songs. There are diagrams and exercises throughout the entire course.
S Goffen
The CAGED System for Guitar Mastery
Available until
Ever wondered what the CAGED system is? Maybe you've even looked at it before but not got the most from it or not fully understood it? Here we look at what it is, why it's so important, connect the chords and scale shapes and think about how best to learn it and internalise the concepts.
S Goffen
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