Review of Key Concepts and Next Steps

In this lesson, we have looked at how we can make chords from a scale:

by using the 1st, 3rd and 5th note.

We have looked at how to create a chords from every note in a scale, and if these result in major or minor chords.

We have looked at and played the most common open chords.

We have looked at common chord progressions, learnt that they are often written as Roman Numerals, and applied this to the key of C and the chords that we worked out are in it.

We have touched on chord resolution and why some chords sound good after each other e.g. the V and I chords.

We have experimented with our own chord progressions and thought about which sound good.

Next steps:

  • Work out the chords in different keys. Start with the G scale, work out its notes and then the chords, just as we did for C. Try the different progressions with these new chords.
  • Work through the song course to learn different strumming patterns and apply your chords knowledge to learning famous songs. Think about what chord progressions these songs use.
  • Work through the Finding Your Way Around the Fretboard lesson.
  • Work through the Magic of Triads lesson.

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